About Steamguy

Look, I’m just a quiet, sincere guy with a quiet, deep faith. I now live on the side of a mountain, in the Columbia Gorge of Washington State. 

I grew up at the end of the Steam era; people say ‘things are different now’. Well, they are and they aren’t. You’d think that people change through time, but the more I read, the more I realize that we … just … don’t. So good storytelling doesn’t, either.

I sincerely believe: You should write as if tomorrow you will be stricken dumb. Put everything, every emotion, into the work. Value the gift that God has given you through its use and sing his praises with your work. Forget about the nonsense of empty words. Make everything you do, count for today. When I make a photograph, I don’t just ‘shoot’ it; I craft it as if it will be the last time I will behold such a sight.

Life is a journey down a road. It’s as much about the journey as where you find yourself at the end. And where you find yourself at the end of that road depends upon who you choose to follow. I choose to follow Christ, and I believe my trust is well-placed. He guides me down that path of service and truth, and as long as I follow, I’m okay. However, there have been a lot of times when I’ve stepped off that path, and I’ve gotten pretty lost. I mean really lost. But he still is with me, always ready to guide me back. Think of a little child, holding his father’s hand, walking down a path together. The father always walks ahead, making sure there’s nothing the child can’t handle. But sometimes the child gets fascinated by something off the path, lets go of the father’s hand, and goes wandering off. The father is always one step away, ready to grasp the child’s hand, and lead him back to the path.

I’ve let go a lot of times and spent a lot of time off the path.

And you know what?  There were lots of times I didn’t realize my father’s hand was ready to grasp mine, and all I had to do is to ask. God will never force you to do anything – true love never forces. But he is always there, listening, waiting for you to ask. But you are the one who has to do the asking.

About this blog:

My perspective will be different from yours; since we all travel different roads. So if you don’t see things the way I see them, please try to appreciate that my limited view of this world is from a different angle than yours. I also don’t post regularly; I can’t schedule inspiration, and I try to add wisdom instead of adding noise.

I am a person of a quiet, deep spirituality; I have little tolerance for the current hatred displayed in politics right now, so I tend to stay away from such things unless they should be remarked upon.

Some things may not strike any chord with you right now; that’s okay. I write for the Audience of One. If he chooses to use my words to help make his point for you, wonderful. Remember, God uses any means possible to get your attention and to teach. Be open to his teaching, but also to the witness he gives you that things are right.

We all have a way to walk in this darkness of our broken world; the way I perceive my path will be different than the way you see it. Let us all continue our journey, sharing what we can, however we can, in hope and encouragement for each other. I hope that you might find something here that inspires you as we all try to look beyond what we think we know and to look to God for knowledge and insight.

Psalm 40:4 :Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.

Remember, Jesus said, “I am the truth and the light; no one can come to the Father but through me.” Your first step must be to put your trust in Jesus as having atoned for your sins. You cannot find your way without Christ, for he is the only Way.

Yup, it's as much about the journey as it is about the destination

Yup, it’s as much about the journey as it is about the destination

2 thoughts on “About Steamguy

  1. Hello, your name was passed on to me by a mutual friend who felt you might want to connect to our PNW Coleman Collectors Group. We have occasional gatherings to swap lanterns & stoves and to share our interest in the hobby. I am not sure how to contact you other than through your blog. Thank you for your time. -Murff

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